Possible Manifestations of Diabetes
Diabetes need to seriously deal with, because diabetes affects obviously, a lot of people body a variety of complications related to diabetes development, therefore, to understand what are the specific signal diabetes strikes, with the right treatment for the effects of diabetes, or blood glucose control, may shorten the service life.
So, is prediabetes painless or not?
In the early stage of diabetes, the elevation of blood sugar is not obvious. Some people do not have obvious adverse symptoms, but this situation should not be taken lightly. If the stable control of blood sugar is still not paid attention to, the disease may worsen.
What are the symptoms of diabetes?
- Weight loss
During the onset of diabetes, the body sends signals that people who lose weight may have overblood sugar.
In the development of diabetes, the function of the pancreas islet is reduced, insulin secretion is insufficient, and sugar in the blood cannot be converted into energy supply, which will consume too much fat and protein in the body. Obese diabetes patients will become thin after a period of time.
- Dry mouth
Dry mouth is a signal of excessive blood sugar. Because the body is in a state of high blood sugar for a long time, the oral mucosa is prone to stimulation, and then the feeling of dryness can not be alleviated by drinking water often.
This situation calls for caution and is likely a signal of elevated blood sugar.
3, limb numbness
People with high blood sugar will have numbness in the limbs. Under normal circumstances, the blood circulation in the limbs is good, which can provide blood to the parts needed by the body in time and keep the limbs in a relaxed state.
However, after the occurrence of diabetes, the high glucose environment accelerates vascular and neuropathy, and the normal blood circulation of the body cannot be maintained. The limbs are more prone to lack of blood, and local numbness will occur after the influence. In these cases, we should be vigilant against disease.
- Itchy skin
Diabetes is a chronic disease that should not be underestimated. Under the threat of diabetes, patients will feel itchy skin.
Itchy skin doesn’t have to be a skin disease. It can also be a chronic condition that threatens your health.
During the development of diabetes, the rise in blood sugar can irritate the skin, which often becomes itchy when affected.
People with this condition need to distinguish it from the common skin disease and make their itchy skin feel less through proper control of blood sugar.
- Hunger easily
Being prone to hunger is a signal of high blood sugar. The body should keep healthy and have regular diet with three meals. Obtaining nutrients in the diet process can increase the sense of satiety, meet the needs of the body and maintain life activities.
However, those who develop diabetes in the food of sugar can not be obtained by the body, coupled with the fast digestion of food, more prone to frequent hunger this situation, there are these signs should be vigilant diabetes.
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