How to Enhance Self-Protection Awareness During the Coronavirus Pandemic
What is the mode of transmission of novel Coronavirus?
Virus is a kind of non-cellular microorganism without complete cell structure, and must live in the cell parasitical, thereby duplicating and developing. From a scientific point of view, viruses are narrowly defined as “living organisms” that, once out of their host cells, quickly fail to adapt to their environment and die. So in order to survive, the virus has to infect. Unfortunately, this time the human body is one of the Novel Coronavirus infectious organisms.
- Droplet transmission: droplets from coughing, sneezing and talking enter the surface of susceptible mucosa;
- Contact transmission: Touching your mouth or nose after touching something that an infected person has touched can lead to transmission of the virus.
- Airborne transmission: pathogens can remain infectious even after being spread over long distances;
- Fecal-oral infection: that is, rotavirus exists in the feces of patients, and often pollutes water, food, clothing, toys, utensils, etc., after discharge. When healthy people come into contact with these items, they will enter the human body through the hand and mouth way, causing digestive tract lesions.
How does the Novel Coronavirus infect us?
We can think of the lung as a tree. Trees have trunks, branches, branches, and leaves. Lungs also have windpipes, bronchi, and alveoli. In trees, the leaves photosynthesize, sending nutrients back to the whole tree;
In the lungs, air passes through the various levels of the trachea, and eventually the alveoli allow oxygen to enter the blood.
The alveoli are not single, but in clusters, covered with blood vessels. It is these blood vessels that carry carbon dioxide to the alveoli (and eventually exhaled) and carry oxygen from the alveoli to the heart, where it flows throughout the body.
The so-called “COVID-19” is pneumonia caused by the Novel coronavirus infection. If your hand is caught in a door, swelling can quickly develop. This is also inflammation, which is essentially a lot of protein-rich fluid seeping into tissue space. When you clamp your hand, the fluid enters the tissue space of your finger and makes it swell up. In COVID-19, these fluids permeate between the alveoli and blood vessels, blocking the membrane of respiration and infiltrating the alveoli, blocking the normal exchange of oxygen. This is why some infected people experience swelling in their lungs when they press on them. For critically ill novel coronavirus infections, there is inflammation all over the lungs, blocking most of the hundreds of millions of alveoli, leaving the body starved of oxygen and unable to breathe. In severe cases, respiratory failure can occur, and ARDS can occur.
That is the working principle of ARDS, the novel Coronavirus critical death principle.
How important is immunity to preventing Novel Coronavirus?
Immunity is like an army in the body. It recognizes foreign objects (viruses, bacteria, etc.) when they invade and “fights” them when necessary. A small cut or common cold can heal itself over time.
Academician Zhang Boli also said, “In fact, we get this disease because it is the result of the game and struggle between the virus and the immune system of the human body. When the virus wins, it often gets sick. Therefore, if the resistance is improved, it is not easy to be infected, even if the infection is mild. So, in the same environment, people with low immunity are more likely to get sick than those with strong immunity!
So at this particular time of the epidemic,
How do we “activate” the body’s immunity
Against Novel Coronavirus?
5 tips teach you to enhance immunity!
Eat healthy: Get enough nutrition
Staying at home, “healthy eating” is particularly easy to overlook: some people eat more casual, often full meal hungry meal, meal time irregular; Others eat with open stomach; Because the person buys vegetable inconvenient, and eat everyday more onefold, the choice that does not notice food and match, and caused nutrition partial waste. But in the face of the epidemic, we should pay more attention to the reasonable collocation of food, in order to ensure adequate nutrition intake, for the immune system to provide adequate material support!
The normal synthesis and operation of immune cells in our body are inseparable from the support of a variety of nutrients, so through dietary approaches, follow the relevant healthy dietary principles, with high-quality nutrition supply, can also help the body better enhance immunity!
Sleep regularly to prevent your immune system from weakening
Regularly skimping on sleep can lead to a sharp drop in the number of immune cells your body produces. Researchers at the University of Chicago found that people who slept only four hours a night had 50 percent less flu antibodies in their blood than those who slept seven to eight hours.
Action: Not getting enough sleep can lower your immune system, but it doesn’t have to be eight hours, just waking up feeling rested in the morning.
Moderate exercise: stimulate the improvement of immunity
Epidemiological studies have shown that people who exercise regularly and moderately have a significantly lower risk of respiratory infections than those who sit for long periods of time. Foreign studies of runners show that they have significantly fewer colds per year and fewer total cold days.
Exercise can affect many aspects of the immune system to help boost immunity. Moderate exercise stimulates immunity, but if you exercise too much, will also lower immunity, so exercise must be moderate. For special periods, indoor exercise is recommended.
Be normal: Don’t let panic overwhelm you
The outbreak of the epidemic, causing many people to panic, keep a good state of mind, can also improve our immunity. Studies at home and abroad show that if the mind is often in a state of anxiety, then autoimmune will be relatively low.
Experts point out that long-term emotional stress, will make the body become weak, and weak people are prone to infection. Because this kind of emotion can have a bad effect on the immune system, causing a series of brain reactions. We should actively prevent infection, pay attention to the emotional, psychological and behavioral reactions of ourselves and even our families, maintain a normal mind and stabilize our emotions.
Do not abuse drugs: induce bacterial drug resistance
Experts say there is no medical proof that antibiotics and anti-flu drugs protect against COVID-19. Self-medication is not recommended. Antibiotics do not kill or inhibit viruses, while abuse of antibacterial drugs will cause adverse drug reactions and induce bacterial resistance, and reduce human immunity, but will harm the health of the body.
Of course, usually love to drink often smoke have bad life habits should also try to avoid oh ~
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