The Future of the COVID-19 Vaccine
In early 2020, Academician Gao Fu "patted his chest" and said that the vaccine would definitely be developed.
He then added: "It takes a long, long time to develop a vaccine, to study a vaccine, but from what we've known about SARS or this type of virus in the past, I can say with a pat on the back that this vaccine will be successful."
It's not hard to see how when scientists started developing a vaccine for SARS-COV-2 in early 2020, everyone was wary of making promises like "quick success."
The success of mumps vaccine development in the 1960s was the fastest recorded vaccine preparation, taking only four years from sampling to approval.
It is therefore highly optimistic that a COVID-19 vaccine will be developed by the summer of 2021.
In early December, however, researchers working on several vaccines announced excellent results in large-scale trials and demonstrated the feasibility of a COVID-19 vaccine.
On December 2nd a vaccine produced by Pfizer, a pharmaceutical giant, in partnership with Bio NTech, a German biotech firm, became the first fully tested vaccine that could be used in an emergency.
Natalie Dean, a biostatistician at the University of Florida, says the rate of advancement of COVID-19 vaccines "challenges every paradigm we can think of in vaccine development."
At the same time, Natalie Dean points out that if we can produce other vaccines at the same rate as COVID-19 vaccines on a competitive timeline, it's going to be amazing.
Diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis and pneumonia kill millions of people every year, and new and deadly viruses are on the rise. If the speed of COVID-19 vaccine development is applied to the development of vaccines for these diseases, the impact will be immeasurable.
Dan Barouch, director of the Center for Virology and Vaccine Research at Harvard Medical School, says there is no doubt that the COVID-19 experience will change the future of vaccine science.
He said the current rate of development of COVID-19 vaccines showed that when there is a real global emergency, the vaccine can be developed at an unexpected rate, given adequate resources.
And new vaccine manufacturing methods, such as using mrnas, have been validated by the clinical response to COVID-19.
Researchers have also greatly accelerated the progress of the COVID-19 vaccine without compromising the safety of the people who are trying it.
Analysis of the rapid development of COVID-19 vaccine in the world can be attributed to the following reasons: 1. Previous studies on relevant viruses have laid a theoretical foundation; 2.
- Faster ways to make vaccines;
- The huge capital investment enables the company to carry out multiple tests at the same time;
- Regulators acted faster than normal.
Some of these factors could translate into lessons for other vaccines, particularly faster production platforms.
Still, there is no guarantee that this "quickness" will replicate perfectly with other viruses.
To achieve such rapid success again will require an equally large operational investment.
That is only possible with a similar sense of social and political urgency.
At the same time, the nature of the pathogen itself determines the feasibility of such "repeatability".
In short, the emergence of SARS-COV-2, a relatively slow mutation that happens to belong to a well-studied family of viruses, was fortunate for scientists.
For years, scientists around the world have focused on the coronaviruses that cause SARS (severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome) and MERS (Middle East Respiratory Syndrome), including the development of new vaccines. This has laid a solid foundation for the development of COVID-19 vaccines, and has been surprisingly rewarding.
Vaccines made by Pfizer, BioNTech and Modena all use mrnas that encode spikes, which dock with human cell membranes and allow coronaviruses to invade cells.
Immunologist Akiko Iwasaki of the Yale School of Medicine comments that basic research on DNA vaccines has been going on for at least 25 years, and RNA vaccines have benefited from 10 to 15 years of robust research, including some cancer vaccines.
RNA technology was not mature enough five years ago, but is now basically on the road to perfection.
Researchers at the Us National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) concluded from their studies on MERS and SARS that mRNA vaccine antigen design of spike proteins requires sufficient adjustment of RNA sequence to stabilize the resulting spike proteins before docking with host cells.
The third vaccine, which is being tested in a phase III clinical trial in November and is being made by The University of Oxford and AstraZeneca, does not use mRNA, but uses the viral vector (or carrier) to hold the genetic material that encodes sarS-COV-2 spike protein.
It also benefited from years of research into the carrier -- the company chose a modified form of adenovirus isolated from chimpanzee feces.
Beate Kampmann, director of the Vaccine Centre at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, said progress on these routine vaccines had also come from studies of SARS, MERS, Ebola and malaria, and that the method was still cheaper than using mRNA.
Vaccine researchers were mostly infected with SARS-COV-2 for various reasons, Iwasaki said.
Unlike HIV, herpes or even the flu, this virus does not mutate in large numbers and does not suppress the human immune system.
The herpes virus, by contrast, has more evasive effects-preventing antibodies from binding, which makes it difficult to find effective drugs to fight it;
The rapid mutation of the flu virus requires a different vaccine formulation for each flu season.
Funding: The slowest part of vaccine development is not finding candidate treatments, but testing them.
First, companies test the efficacy and safety of animals, then they test humans, and human testing involves three stages, including an increase in the number of people and a proportionate increase in costs, which usually takes several years.
The COVID-19 vaccine has gone through the same trials -- billions of vaccines are being poured into the process, requiring companies not only to run some tests simultaneously, but also to be able to take financial risks.
Rino Rappuoli, chief scientist at GlaxoSmithKline's vaccine division in Italy, says large sums of money provided to vaccine companies through public funders and private philanthropists can be used to conduct both pre-clinical and phase I, II and III trials or even vaccine manufacturing, rather than in sequence.
This means that companies can take the risk of starting large-scale testing and manufacturing of vaccine candidates that may not be able to solve COVID-19, which completely "upsets" the entire development process.
Without such funding, vaccine research would not have produced such rapid results.
For example, the Ebola virus that occurred from 2014 to 2016 was not funded on such a large scale, which caused a devastating impact on African communities, and it took a very long time to develop a vaccine for Ebola.
This time, the money has been cashed in because all countries -- rich and poor -- are facing this catastrophic COVID-19 outbreak.
Similar to ebola, future vaccine development, including for existing diseases like malaria, will not be as rapid.
But "there is no way to accelerate unless you invest money".
Peter Hotez, a virologist at Baylor College of Medicine, believes that big pharma may be motivated not just by a desire to stop the epidemic, but by the opportunity to gain government funding for its research and in-depth development.
It has to be acknowledged that previous infectious and deadly viruses contributed to the establishment of national and global infrastructures to facilitate faster vaccine development.
The ebola and Zika outbreaks, for example, provide a better global coordination mechanism for how to respond to infectious disease crises.
In particular, the Alliance for Pandemic Preparedness Innovation (CEPI) was launched in 2017.
The goal is to build the technological infrastructure needed to rapidly develop vaccines against several viruses with known epidemic potential, including MERS, Ebola and Zika.
In the final phase of the trial, CEPI assisted in the development of a vaccine for COVID-19.
The experience of COVID-19 has also prompted regulators to rethink.
While strict vaccine approval criteria have not been relaxed, most of the first vaccine candidates have been approved under emergency use regulations.
Other vaccine development: The COVID-19 pandemic should see some permanent changes in vaccine development.
First, mRNA vaccines -- which have never been approved before -- will revolutionize vaccinology.
It is not hard to see that mRNA vaccines can be chemically synthesized in a few days, in contrast to the more complex biotechnology that produces proteins in cells.
RNA greatly simplifies the manufacturing process and can be used to make RNA for different diseases in the same way, reducing the investment required and increasing the company's production capacity.
Still, other vaccines are likely to be developed at a similar pace only at high levels of infection, so that large-scale trials can be carried out relatively quickly and with substantial funding.
Other viruses may be more difficult to deal with than SARS-COV-2.
According to the statistics, there are at least 24 virus families that can infect humans, and we know little about the related virus families.
Rather than waiting for resources to be devoted to the next virus to pop up, it would be better to spend money now to set up a system to monitor all these viruses.
In other words, no amount of money will help without a solid scientific platform to back it up.
The success of the COVID-19 vaccine is a good example of how science can do or even accomplish something very quickly, but it doesn't happen overnight.
Japan’s High Hopes for U.S. and British COVID-19 Vaccines
The new crown pneumonia epidemic in Japan has resurfaced since October and accelerated in early November. So far, it has not been effectively curbed. The number of newly confirmed cases in the metropolitan area remains high, the medical system is facing a peak of pressure, and the public is depressed and confused. Some US and European pharmaceutical companies that have launched a new crown vaccine are urging the Japanese side to speed up the approval of the use of their vaccine, and the Japanese side still needs to improve many conditions to implement large-scale vaccination.
In all fairness, compared with the United Kingdom and the United States and other countries, the Japanese government and medical system are doing their best in fighting the epidemic, and the people are generally able to cooperate with the implementation of epidemic prevention measures. At present, social public activities are not restricted, and the public security situation is generally good. At the end of the year, when people have to go back to their hometowns and provinces, make friends, go out for sightseeing, or do business, the flow of people is not decreasing but increasing. This has also become a potential factor for the spread of the epidemic in Japan.
The Japanese government has no good measures to fight the epidemic, medical staff are on the verge of collapse, social emotions are restless, and the cabinet's approval rating plummets. At this time, some pharmaceutical giants in the United States and Britain delivered the new crown vaccine at the right time, expressing that they would offer a safe and reliable vaccine to the Japanese people to alleviate Japan’s urgent need to fight the epidemic. Of course, the prerequisite is that the Japanese government must "specially handle special matters" to approve and release their vaccines as soon as possible.
According to the information released by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, the Japanese government has previously signed contracts or reached cooperation intentions with three pharmaceutical companies in the United States and Britain on vaccine supply. Two parties have officially signed the contract: One is to sign a contract with Modena of the United States on October 29. If the company’s vaccine is successfully developed, it will be shipped from Japan through Takeda Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., and 40 million doses will be provided in the first half of next year. The third quarter will continue to provide 10 million doses; the second is to sign a contract with the British company AstraZeneca on December 10, if the company's vaccine development is successful, 120 million doses of vaccine will be provided early next year, of which about 30 million will be provided in the first quarter of next year. Japan's JCR Pharmaceuticals is scheduled to produce vaccine stock solutions in China and purchase vaccines from overseas. The intention for cooperation is that Japan reached a basic agreement with Pfizer on July 31. If the company successfully develops a vaccine, Japan will receive 120 million doses (60 million inoculations) before the end of June next year. Continue to negotiate the final contract. In addition, Novavax of the United States and Takeda have reached a collaboration agreement to plan to produce vaccines in Japan.
The mRNA COVID-19 vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech of Germany has begun to implement the first and second phase trials in Japan in October. 160 Japanese people aged 20 to 85 will be vaccinated. It will be submitted to Japan in February next year. 1. The main data of the second phase trial. Pfizer submitted a production and sales license application to the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare on December 18. If approved, 120 million doses of vaccine will be provided to Japan in the first half of next year. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare stated that it will review the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine based on the data submitted by Pfizer, and decide whether to approve it as soon as mid-February 2021.
In terms of the vaccination plan, based on the contracts or vaccine supply intentions reached with 3 US and British pharmaceutical companies including Pfizer, Modena and AstraZeneca, Japan will start vaccination work in the first half of 2021 if the vaccine development is confirmed. The Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare has requested prefectures, counties and municipalities across the country to speed up preparations for new crown vaccination. The Japanese government is considering first vaccinating about 10,000 medical practitioners in late February 2021, vaccinating the remaining about 3 million medical practitioners in mid-March, vaccinating senior citizens in late March, and vaccinating all citizens in April. People with underlying diseases will be vaccinated first.
Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Norihisa Tamura emphasized that the vaccine to be used will be evaluated and judged on the basis of a practical review of the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine. He said that the United States has issued emergency use permits for related vaccines and started vaccination, and Japan will also "as the highest priority subject for the highest priority review." Regarding some of the side effects of vaccines in the United States and Europe, Tamura said that it will collect relevant information from abroad and use it as an important reference data in Japan's vaccine review work. Prime Minister Yoshihide Suga stated on a TBS TV program on December 21 that it is very important to confirm the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine. Once confirmed, the Prime Minister’s residence will set up a special countermeasure team to coordinate various government departments to start vaccination. Generally, the Japanese government vaccine approval process takes about one year, and individual cases can be used as "exceptions" to simplify procedures. In May of this year, Japan approved the use of a new coronary pneumonia treatment drug in just 3 days.
The Japanese government has sufficient legal and financial preparations for vaccination against US and British pharmaceutical companies. Congress quickly passed the "Vaccination Act (Amendment)" on December 2, allowing the new crown vaccine as a special case of "temporary vaccination". The country will bear the cost of vaccination. Once serious side effects or health damage problems occur, the country will also provide certain compensation. In the 2021 fiscal budget decided by the Japanese cabinet on December 21, 5 trillion yen was included in the preparation of new crown epidemic prevention funds, including 573.6 billion yen in special funds for vaccination.
Japanese society has high expectations for vaccines from American and British pharmaceutical companies, but also has hidden worries. Japanese media are concerned that Pfizer’s vaccine was licensed for use in the United States in only 3 weeks, but the number of infections in Japan is much smaller than that in the United States and Europe. The clinical trials of the vaccine in Japan are too small, with only 160 subjects. It is difficult to truly confirm the effectiveness and safety of the vaccine. Ishii Ken, a professor at the Institute of Medical Sciences at the University of Tokyo, believes that Pfizer’s vaccines have undergone tens of thousands of clinical trials in different countries, including Asians. So far, no differences in side effects between different races have been found. However, the review authority requires Pay attention to "Haste will fail." Nowadays, Japanese society has both the hope of getting a vaccine right away, and the cautious idea of "Vaccine development is too fast and risky, wait for vaccination". Therefore, getting a vaccine is "both benefits and risks."
Japanese media paid close attention to the serious side effects of Pfizer and Modena vaccines in clinical trials and actual vaccination. They noticed that on December 15th, a woman in the United States suffered a severe allergic reaction after receiving Pfizer vaccine and was hospitalized. ; Two British medical staff experienced severe allergic reactions after vaccination; in the previous clinical trials, the vaccination also experienced a higher proportion of fatigue, headache, fever above 38 degrees and so on. Japanese media believe that after all, it is targeted at hundreds of thousands and millions of healthy people, and serious side effects after vaccination must be carefully considered.
Professor Tetsuya Matsumoto of the International University of Medical Welfare in Japan believes that the vaccine is certainly worth looking forward to, but because of side effects, I hope the Japanese government will not make a hasty decision.
In terms of domestic vaccine research and development, according to the information released by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, Japan has five major forces in the development of vaccines from different companies and related institutions. They have also received funding subsidies from the Japanese government, and some have entered the second and third phases of clinical trials. Experiment, but the scale of the test subjects is small, about five to six hundred people.
In people's impression, Japan has a high level of medical technology and a strong ability in medical research and development, but this time, its domestic vaccine research and development process seems to be relatively lagging. The decisive reason is temporarily unknown, but the following objective factors exist. First, Japan's initial epidemic prevention and control effect was good, and the number of people infected was not large. After the epidemic expanded, research on the new crown virus was rapidly deepened, and the treatment of new crown pneumonia was effective, and the treatment of drugs and measures to prevent patients from becoming more severe became abundant. Therefore, Japan's demand for vaccines is not large, and it does not seem to be so urgent. Second, Japan has strict ethics in medical research and development, relatively complete laws dealing with drug side effects and medical accidents, and a more cautious stand on the use of genetic technology to develop vaccines. Third, most of the Japanese medical and pharmaceutical R&D capital is in the hands of pharmaceutical giants. The Japanese, American and European pharmaceutical giants have in-depth exchanges of capital, technology and market interests. Japanese pharmaceutical companies have actually participated in the vaccine development and production of British and American pharmaceutical companies. process. Fourth, judging from some of the policy measures of former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Japan seems to be more inclined to rely on the Western Group of Seven (G7) to respond to the challenges and opportunities arising from the global spread of the epidemic to promote new crown medicine and vaccine diplomacy.
Oxford University Develops COVID-19 Vaccine That Triggers Immune Response
Novel Coronavirus vaccine (NOVEL coronavirus vaccine), a novel irus vaccine (NOVEL Coronavirus vaccine), developed by a team of Researchers from the University of Oxford, has been shown to induce a strong immune response without causing serious side effects.
The vaccine under evaluation is a chimpanzee adenovirus vector vaccine.
The team's clinical trial in the UK involved 1077 healthy adults between the ages of 18 and 55 who had not been infected with novel Coronavirus.
According to the report, in this phase of the trial, the vaccine showed good safety, no serious side effects, some volunteers after inoculation of mild side effects are also manageable;
The vaccine induces a stronger immune response in two aspects of the body's immune system -- a T-cell response within 14 days of inoculation and an antibody response within 28 days.
Lead author Professor Andrew Pollard, of Oxford University, said the vaccine candidate was designed to induce the immune system to attack viruses and infected cells in two ways - antibodies and T-cell responses.
But Pollard said the team will need further clinical trials to see if the vaccine can effectively protect people from novel Coronavirus infection and how long the protection can last.
The team says they are currently conducting larger clinical trials of the vaccine in the UK, Brazil and South Africa.
Researchers Find Mosquitoes Do Not Transmit Novel Coronavirus
Many rumors about novel Coronavirus health are circulating in this anxious world.
One concern is that mosquitoes could feed on an infected person and then transmit the virus to another person.
Not to worry, according to a new study by researchers at Kansas State University.
Who has declared that novel Coronavirus will not spread from mosquito bites.
Who even included this information in its "Rumor Killer" page on COVID-19, stating that "to date there is no information or evidence that novel Coronavirus may be transmitted by mosquitoes."
"Although the WHO has made it clear that mosquitoes do not transmit the virus, our study provides the first hard data to support this theory," said Stephen Higgs of Kansas State University.
The researchers studied three common mosquito species that are widely distributed.
"We demonstrate that the SARS-COV-2 virus cannot replicate in these mosquitoes even under extreme conditions, and therefore cannot be transmitted to humans even in the unlikely event that mosquitoes feed on the virus host," the study said.
The study was conducted at the Biosafety Research Institute in Kansas, a highly secure laboratory facility for infectious disease research.
Artificial Intelligence and Biotechnology: Beyond a Trend in Biomedicine
In recent years, the field of artificial intelligence technology has been receiving much attention. On the one hand, it is indeed that artificial intelligence technology has unique advantages. Its powerful learning ability and intelligent reaction ability are quite welcome. For example, the famous Go event-AlphaGo defeated the world’s Go game. One person, Ke Jie; on the other hand, artificial intelligence technology is maturing, and has made great breakthroughs in many aspects. Artificial intelligence technology has blossomed in services, finance, manufacturing and other industries, and the field of biomedicine has also ushered in artificial intelligence. The east wind awakens the green life.
Artificial intelligence biotechnology, covering the entire field of biomedicine
The application of artificial intelligence technology in the field of biomedicine covers everything from the development of new drugs at the source to biopharmaceuticals to clinical trials. In the past, many examinations and diagnosis were based on microscope observation and doctors’ clinical experience. In the face of artificial intelligence, all doctors are likely to be “newcomers”. According to reports, at a meeting in Changsha, artificial intelligence technology and 200 top domestic doctors conducted a PK. As a result, the judgment accuracy of artificial intelligence reached 100%. What is even more amazing is that it takes less than 5 seconds. It is impossible for any famous doctor. In fact, an artificial intelligence system once learned 80 million cases, such a "full stomach economy", and this is a doctor can't do it all his life.
Artificial intelligence biotechnology revolutionizes the face of biomedicine
Clinical trials are the foothold of biomedicine, and new drug development is the leader in biomedicine. The development of new drugs is a top priority in the field of biomedicine, but in addition to the relatively closed nature of the new drugs, they also lack a lot of learning resources to support the use of artificial intelligence biotechnology. It is true that artificial intelligence biotechnology still needs to go a long way to revolutionize the face of biomedicine, but there are already companies at home and abroad that have taken steps forward.
Since 2017, international pharmaceutical giants have deployed their own AI systems to improve the research and development efficiency of new drugs, such as Merck, Novatis, Roche, Pfizer, Johnson & Johnsone, etc. Dawan Bio's Klone4.0 and other technical service platforms combine artificial intelligence with biomedicine to make cell line development easier and more efficient.
As we all know, the development of new drugs has always been a long-term work. The spring breeze of artificial intelligence and biotechnology has transformed the development of new drugs from traditional labor-intensive to intelligent technology. In a limited cycle, unlimited possibilities can be created.
Technology is the first productive force. As the application of artificial intelligence technology matures, the biomedical field is not just about the air vent, it is likely to be an ecological innovation in the entire industry. From a macro perspective, it can be applied to almost all links of the entire industrial chain from new drug development, drug production, and clinical trials; from a micro perspective, artificial intelligence technology is used in a certain step of a new drug development, The entire new drug development efficiency is likely to increase exponentially.
Kids Sweating at Night? It Could Be a Sign of Vitamin D Deficiency
As the weather heats up, for many parents, whether their children sleep well also determines whether they can get rest.
You know what?
If your child is sweating and waking up all the time, it may not be the heat or the sleep, but vitamin D deficiency.
Vitamin D deficiency leads to type O legs
The boy Dou Dou is two years old this year. Recently, his mother found that he always sweats at night and often wakes up with a start.
Examination of the body found that the legs of Doudou a little outward bend, came to the children's hospital examination found that Doudou was actually due to vitamin D deficiency caused by O leg.
What's going on here?
Vitamin D is a good helper to maintain the balance of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, promote calcium absorption and bone development, and can also participate in a variety of cell proliferation, differentiation and immune function regulation, said Ding Yuan, a doctor from the Children's Medical Examination Department of the Children's Hospital.
Studies have shown that the occurrence of malignant tumors may also be related to vitamin D deficiency in the body.
▲ Pictures from the Internet
More than 6,000 children were tested for serum vitamin D in 2019, according to the Ministry of Child Health.
The results showed that many children were deficient in vitamin D, and the proportion of vitamin D decrease gradually increased with age.
There were also differences in the rate at which serum vitamin D levels were reached in children who came for a physical examination at different seasons.
Children also have suggestive signs and symptoms, such as hyperperspiration, night terrors, irritability, and skeletal changes (symptoms of developmental abnormalities such as type X or O legs due to vitamin D deficiency).
Vitamin D levels can be checked by regular health checks and venous blood draws.
Except for children, there are four groups of people who are prone to vitamin D deficiency:
- Inactive, not the sun, always stay at home.
People who wear sunscreen year-round, because makeup and sunscreen block out a lot of UV rays, leaving the sun's UV rays in no way to make vitamin D from the skin's 7-hydroxycholesterol.
Vegetarians who don't like meat in order to lose weight.
- The elderly.
A word of caution: Don't take too much vitamin D
The maximum tolerable intake of vitamin D in China is 20 g. Excessive intake of vitamin D can cause vitamin D toxicity, Ding said.
Vitamin D intoxication can be manifested as anorexia, constipation, vomiting, headache, excessive urine, decreased muscle tone, heart rate is fast and abnormal, and can even cause soft tissue softening.
If taken in excess, vitamin D can cause hypercalcemia, nephrocalcinosis, and even kidney failure if taken in large doses.
Therefore, vitamin D supplements should be taken under the guidance of a doctor.
Doctor Ding yuan said, for pregnant mothers, every day must be guaranteed to eat 1,500 to 2,000 IU of vitamin D to meet the needs of the fetus.
Children under the age of 1 should get at least 400 IUS a day.
Newborn babies should receive vitamin D supplements as soon as possible under the guidance of a doctor.
Premature, twin and low weight babies must ensure 800-1000IU per day, and then reduce to 400-800IU/ day after 3 months as appropriate;
Children after the age of one should aim for 600IU of vitamin D a day.
Vitamin D supplements are simple. You can use cod liver oil and some vitamin D supplements.
In addition, the baby needs a balanced diet, more outdoor activities during the day;
Nevertheless the small baby of 6 months of less than please do not illuminate directly under the sun, lest injure delicate skin, teenager is in when undertaking outdoor activity, also want to protect the skin to prevent sunburn.
Understanding Different Types of Anesthesia: General, Local, and Lumbar Anesthesia Explained
When it comes to "anaesthesia", you are not unfamiliar. From the familiar "Hua Tuo San" developed by Hua Tuo, the "general anesthesia", "local anesthesia", and "lumbar hemp" that are used in daily life. Do you understand? Today Onion Class will explain the anesthesia to everyone, and answer some common questions about anesthesia for everyone.
Clinical anesthesia is roughly divided into general anesthesia, local anesthesia and spinal canal anesthesia according to its method of use.
Anesthesia is not a sleep with a needle, the work of the anesthesiologist runs through the perioperative period.
Adults undergoing elective surgery should fast for 8 hours and drink for 4 hours before surgery.
The application effect of painless gastrointestinal endoscopy is better than that of ordinary gastrointestinal endoscopy.
General anesthesia has little effect on intelligence.
First Anesthesia
Anesthesia is a reversible functional inhibition of the central nervous system and/or peripheral nervous system produced by drugs or other methods, causing the patient to temporarily lose sensation in whole or in part, thereby making surgery or diagnostic treatment painless. Clinical anesthesia can be roughly divided into three categories: general anesthesia, local anesthesia and intraspinal anesthesia according to the method of use.
general anesthesia
Anesthesia enters the body through inhalation, veins, etc., temporarily inhibits the central nervous system, and makes consciousness disappear. It is collectively called general anesthesia, referred to as general anesthesia. In simple terms, general anesthesia is to wake up (unconsciousness) + no pain )+ Weakness, because the whole body muscles relax, weak breathing, you need to use a ventilator, and the heart muscle has a special structure and can continue to beat. These three states are mainly caused by three different types of drugs. When the drug is metabolized or excreted from the body, the patient's consciousness and various reflections gradually recover.
Local anesthesia
Use local anesthetics to block spinal nerves, nerve plexus, or nerve endings, and anesthetize the innervation area without affecting the patient's consciousness. It is suitable for epidermal surgery, small area surgery, short surgery, etc., such as lipomaectomy, trauma debridement Suture, cosmetic surgery, etc.
Spinal anesthesia
Injecting anesthetic drugs into the subarachnoid space or epidural space of the spinal canal, the spinal nerve root is blocked, and the corresponding area innervated by the nerve root is anesthetized. Broadly speaking, it also belongs to "local anesthesia", such as painless delivery Commonly used drug analgesia is intraspinal anesthesia (epidural block or combined lumbar and hard block).
Onions answer questions
Would you like to take a shot and get a nap if you are under anesthesia?
In addition to alleviating the patient's discomfort such as pain during the operation, the anesthesiologist's job runs through the entire preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative period. Before the operation begins, the anesthesiologist needs to perform a pre-anaesthesia assessment for the patient and perform anesthesia; during the operation, the anesthesiologist monitors and regulates the patient's breath, heart rate, blood pressure, etc. to ensure the safety of the patient's life during the operation and complete the operation successfully; Let the patient safely get rid of the anesthesia, perform postoperative analgesia on the patients in need, so that the patient can recover without pain, comfort and safety. Therefore, anesthesia is not as simple as taking a shot and going to sleep.
Why do anesthesiologists ask so many questions before the operation?
The primary responsibility of the anesthesiologist is to ensure the safety of the patient’s life. Most anesthesia drugs have a significant effect on the vital organs and system functions of the body, such as the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Therefore, safe anesthesia begins before surgery. The pre-anaesthesia evaluation and preparation work can greatly resolve the risk of surgical anesthesia, ensure the smooth operation of the operation, and ensure the patient's smooth recovery after surgery. Therefore, patients should actively cooperate with the anesthesiologist's preoperative evaluation for their own health and safety.
Why not eat or drink before surgery?
The purpose of fasting before surgery is to avoid gastric reflux and vomiting during the perioperative period. The aspiration of reflux of gastric contents can cause acute respiratory tract obstruction and secondary pneumonia. Complications such as dyspnea and choking are threatened. life safety. Generally, for adults undergoing elective surgery, fasting for 8 hours, fasting for 4 hours, fasting for children (milk) for 4-8 hours and water for 2-3 hours are required. Everyone must follow the doctor's advice.
Are painless gastrointestinal mirrors better than ordinary gastrointestinal mirrors?
During the application of common gastrointestinal endoscopy, the patient's nausea, vomiting, pain and other reactions are more obvious, resulting in low compliance of the patient's examination, and some patients will request to terminate the operation. In addition, for older patients, the degree of tolerance is lower and the risk is greater.
Painless gastrointestinal endoscopy generally uses intravenous general anesthesia (non-intubation), which can minimize the discomfort of the patient's diagnosis and treatment and ensure the smooth progress of the diagnosis and treatment process. In addition, after the patient receives anesthesia, the gastrointestinal peristalsis will be further suppressed, which is The diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal endoscopy is more advantageous, therefore, the application effect of painless gastrointestinal endoscopy is better than ordinary gastrointestinal endoscopy.
Does general anaesthesia reduce people's intelligence?
The general anesthesia drugs used in modern times have minimal impact on the human body, and the suppression of the central nervous system is reversible. After the operation, it is excreted by the human body metabolism, and the patient's consciousness and various reflections gradually recover. Every year, millions of people worldwide use general anesthesia for surgery. Practice has proved that under the correct use of professionals, general anesthesia will have little effect on intelligence.
Losing Weight Made Simple: Key Strategies for Success
Introduction: Summer is here, another year to lose weight. Many friends have said that according to the basic method of weight loss, weight loss is always unsuccessful? With the same weight loss program, some people can lose weight quickly, but some people are difficult? Why is it still so difficult? I also dieted and exercised as planned, and almost hunger strike! Still not thin.
In order to write this article, I found a friend, Guochao. Guochao lost 210 pounds last year, and now loses weight for about a year or so, to 140 pounds. He said that he has 4 weight loss methods, as long as the correct adherence to 3 months, to ensure that you lose weight.
Guochao said that his method is very simple, as long as he can persevere, there must be results.
- Refuse fried, high-sugar food
Many people who lose weight also like to eat fried, high-sugar foods. I have been dieting for a day, and I eat a little fried or high-sugar food at night. It's this little luck that can ruin your day's results.
For example, a bag of 100 grams of potato chips is equivalent to 800 calories, but you need to know that a meal eats about 300 grams of rice, and his calories are only 350 grams. Everyone knows here, not because you eat less Thin, many small things have higher calories, such as chocolate cake. The person in the National Super League is more persevering. He quit these fried, high-sugar foods, insist on a light diet, and eat more vegetables and fruits. Persist for about two months, and lose 20 pounds, because fat people have more fat in the early stage, and it is easy to lose fat.
So as long as you don't eat fried, drinks, cakes and coffee, you can easily lose weight. Do you dare to quit these ordinary foods? As long as you dare, you can be thin!
- Eat healthy
A friend said that you have to teach when you eat, who wouldn’t eat? But will you eat healthy meals correctly and healthy?
Guochao said that before drinking a glass of water to enhance our satiety. This way we have something in our stomach, so that we don't eat very fast. At the end of the meal, you must eat slowly. You see those female stars, have a bite, I watched them chew more than 80 times before swallowing, so that there is fullness when chewing, and when we eat Choose to eat slowly, eat more food and less meat, and don’t eat braces. The most important point is, don't drink soup after eating! For those who drink soup after a meal, the food mixes and swells, making you more and more fat.
- Exercise correctly
The National Super League said that exercise is not enough for one hour. You need to exercise aerobics correctly for about an hour. You also need to have proper strength training. In this way, you can evaporate the calories you consume every day, and the calories consumed by exercise every day should be the calories consumed by big fish. The best exercise here is to run in the morning and trot. Because the morning run, the morning air is fresh, comfortable with oxygen, comfortable mood, exercise will do more with less.
- How to rest properly
When Guochao said that the rest, the editor is ignorant, rest still have to learn? The editor is particularly good at Ge You lying down, but the Guochao told me to rest properly, and I feel alive.
Experts show that sleeping can also lose weight. In many cases, rest is more important than exercise. It’s not that you exercise a lot every day, and staying up late can lose weight, which usually damages our metabolism. On the contrary, staying up all night will make you increase your meal and increase your calories. Experts have shown that sleeping can lose weight, and long-term sleep will increase the body's metabolic consumption function to achieve fitness effects. Han Xing Song Zhixiao loses weight through sleep.
Conclusion: There are thousands of ways to lose weight. How to find a healthy, safe and effective method is especially important. Here I hope that all friends can learn some weight-loss methods from this article and lose weight successfully. Losing weight is worth persevering, as long as you persevere, I believe that the thin person is you next.
Abnormal Liver Function Without Viral Hepatitis: What You Need to Know
Ms. Li, who is in her 40s, has been in good health.
In 3 years ago, when Ms. Li is checked accidentally, discover transaminase is exalted, go to local hospital to do an examination to exclude hepatitis virus infection.
But, did not check clear transaminase raises specific pathogeny, opened a few to protect liver medicaments to go back accordingly eat.
Since Ms. Li did not feel any obvious discomfort, she slowly forgot about it.
Six months ago, Ms. Li began to feel weak in body, unable to do things in spirit, not wanting to eat too much, and often felt itchy on her body. Her family also felt that she looked pale.
Miss Li comes to a hospital to examine just discovery, at this moment the liver function assay of her is transaminase is raised not only, still appeared bilirubin rise obviously (jaundice) with a lot of index appear abnormal.
After a series of tests, including liver biopsy and serum antibody screening, Li was diagnosed with "autoimmune hepatitis".
Fortunately, the discovery is still timely, after active treatment, Ms. Li's condition is well under control, the color is also slowly better, gradually restored to the former health.
So, you might be wondering:
What is autoimmune hepatitis?
Abnormal liver function turns out to be more than viral hepatitis?
Below, introduce the relevant knowledge of autoimmune hepatitis to everybody!
What is autoimmune hepatitis?
Why 'prefer' women?
Autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) is an inflammation of the liver parenchyma mediated by an autoimmune response to liver cells.
It is caused by the destruction of the patient's autoimmune tolerance, the specific etiology and pathogenesis has not been fully defined.
Women themselves are prone to various autoimmune diseases, so AIH is more common in female patients.
The proportion of male and female patients is about 1:4, and most of them are over 40 years old.
Is autoimmune hepatitis hepatitis?
Is it contagious?
Mention hepatitis, everybody thinks of first is infectious disease.
Actually, besides the virus hepatitis that has infectivity, other a lot of diseases that cause liver function abnormality also call it hepatitis collectively, but without infectivity, resemble alcoholic sex hepatitis, medicaments sex hepatitis, fat sex hepatitis and autoimmune hepatitis (AIH) to wait.
What other hepatitis differs somewhat is, the main pathogenic factor of autoimmune hepatitis does not come from outside, originate from oneself however.
AIH is an inflammatory liver injury mediated by abnormal autoimmunity, which is generally believed to be triggered by environmental and other factors in genetically susceptible individuals. This abnormal autoimmunity is the main cause of liver dysfunction.
If rely solely on transaminase to rise this one index, it is impossible to carry on differential diagnosis with other hepatitis, this also is why Miss Li fails to diagnose in time at the beginning.
How to detect autoimmune hepatitis early?
Autoimmune hepatitis often comes on more insidious, what symptom can do not have or show only for certain non-specific symptom, for example anore inappeasement, lack of power, weight reduces, right upper abdomen is unwell, skin pruritus.
If have other immunological disease besides liver, can concomitant concerned knot is painful, goiter, blood sugar is raised wait, nevertheless a lot of circumstances are found only when examination liver function is abnormal.
So, want to diagnose autoimmunity hepatitis in time, rely on symptom only cannot early diagnose.
For female friends, if no hepatitis virus infection, no history of alcohol consumption, no significant fatty liver, no long-term medication.
Once appear liver function is abnormal, be about to think of the likelihood is autoimmune hepatitis place is brought about, suggest arrive as soon as possible hospital further examination.
How is autoimmune hepatitis treated and checked regularly?
Autoimmune hepatitis is also a type of chronic liver disease, and the overall objectives of its treatment are:
To obtain hepatic histological relief, prevent the progression of hepatitis to liver fibrosis, prevent cirrhosis, liver failure, as far as possible to prolong the survival time and improve the quality of life.
The standard treatment for autoimmune hepatitis is immunosuppressive therapy, but drug-related side effects should be avoided as much as possible.
Many patients require long-term low-dose hormone maintenance therapy and need to be aware of the risk of osteoporosis and fractures.
Most of the patients after receiving standard treatment, the transaminase can be rapidly decreased until it returns to normal, a small number of people will have repeated.
In addition, patients with autoimmune hepatitis should review liver function and immunoglobulin every 3-6 months, still need to do regular imaging examination, including B ultrasound, CT or MRI, aggravation of the disease can be considered to repeat liver biopsy.
Autoimmune hepatitis is not as common as viral hepatitis, but it is easily misdiagnosed.
Therefore, early detection, correct diagnosis and standardized treatment are the keys to control the development of the disease.
For patients with recurrent abnormal liver function for unknown reasons, especially female friends, it is recommended to have autoantibodies and IgG globulin detected in major hospitals as soon as possible, and to conduct pathological examination through liver biopsy if necessary.
Once diagnosed, should receive regular treatment, strengthen regular examination, most cases of treatment effect is very good.
Summer Coolness Caution: How Excessive Cold Can Trigger Arthritis
Summer weather is heating up, people have put on short-sleeved shorts, air conditioning, fans and other equipment to reduce the heat, but many people feel summer is coming, but joint pain up.
"Sometimes my knees and elbows hurt and my joints feel cold. I shouldn't feel so hot in summer."
Ms Zhang, a citizen, has been suffering from joint pain recently.
Qingyang city hospital of traditional Chinese medicine rheumatism bone disease director Geng Wen told reporters, in the traditional concept, people think that winter susceptible to arthritis, but it is not the case.
In accordance with the traditional Chinese medicine health preservation "winter Tibet summer release", people wear thick clothes in winter, do not frequently add or reduce clothes, keep warm work very well, while in summer arthritis occurs frequently, mainly related to living habits.
In summer, the heat and humidity are obvious, and people sweat a lot. People overindulge in cooling equipment such as air conditioning, fans and MATS, and overindulge in cold drinks and raw and cold food, leading to excessive moisture, damaging the spleen Yin, and thus inducing arthritis.
"Every summer, young people but more joint diseases, outpatient contact with a lot of patients, mainly rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, postpartum rheumatism in the majority.
Geng said.
Rheumatoid arthritis includes external rheumatism and rheumatoid arthritis.
Outside rheumatism, namely rheumatism sex arthritis, postpartum rheumatism, basically because overwork, catch cold place causes joint ache, won't cause the swelling of joint and be out of shape commonly.
Rheumatoid arthritis causes swelling and pain around the joints, especially in the small joints of the hands and feet, and even joint deformation.
Once the above symptoms occur, must be the first time to the hospital specialist outpatient clinic.
"To prevent arthritis in summer, it is important to pay attention to healthy eating habits, reasonable and regular exercise and necessary warmth protection."
The elderly should take calcium supplements to ensure normal bone and joint metabolism, and eat less cold and cold food, geng said.
In summer, we should also take necessary measures to keep warm. It is suggested to add or remove clothes according to the temperature. Neither can you add or remove clothes frequently to let joints catch cold, nor can you wrap them too tightly.
Especially suffering from rheumatoid arthritis or rheumatoid arthritis of the patient, should do not expose the joint, do not sleep cold bed, do not blow air conditioning fan, do not wash cold water bath.
To prevent arthritis also beware of misunderstanding, not the more exercise will be more healthy.
Geng Wen reminds, climb a mountain, climb a stair, the square dance of high intensity when motion is excessive, easy cause knee joint meniscus, articular surface injury, appear prematurely the occurrence of degenerative sex knee osteoarthritis, must move moderately so.
Moderate health exercises such as walking, radio gymnastics, tai chi, yoga and other aerobic exercises are recommended.
For people with arthritis, exercise is encouraged when the joint is not swollen or red.
If the joint stiffness and pain more obvious, do not go out in the morning or night when the cold is heavy.
If you have high swelling, a large amount of joint cavity effusion and other symptoms, it is recommended to rest, not exercise.
"From the perspective of TCM health preservation, the daily care of joints is also important.
It is recommended to wash hands and face with warm water every day, and wash feet in the evening. Hot water should be soaked above the ankle joints to promote blood flow in the lower extremities.
Also according to the doctor's guidance, in the case of non-allergic skin, at night when the feet add some warm Yang tongluo Chinese herbs, such as safflower, artemsia argyi, ginger, pepper, can also be used for external application.
Geng said.