Steroids signal the liver, which releases sugar into the bloodstream, increasing muscle energy, increasing stress resistance, and increasing energy supply. Testosterone is associated with sex drive in both men and women (the female adrenal glands produce some testosterone) (Davis, 2000).
Anabolic steroids (synthetic male testosterone) are sometimes used in conjunction with growth hormone to enhance athletic performance. These steroids not only improve athletic performance, but have also been linked to confidence, aggression and even memory function (Janowsky et al., 2000). We can understand the allure of steroids. Sometimes the difference between an acceptable athletic performance and an outstanding performance is very small. With millions of athletes hoping to excel in the big leagues, steroids can improve the odds (even by a small margin) and make a huge difference.
If steroids work, why are they still controversial? Part of the reason has to do with the ethics of competition, that athletes “play fair”. Steroid use can also cause liver damage and other health problems.
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